2012 Southwestern Academy Commencement in San Marino
2012 Graduates lead by Headmaster, Mr. Veronda for the Baccalaureate in the chapel.
Southwestern Academy, Veronda School, celebrated it's 88th Graduation Ceremony on June 7th, 2012. The day started with the Baccalaureate in the campus chapel. Student Body President, Wendy Wang welcomed the parents, followed by music and poems presented by the graduating class. Honors student, Katrina Espiritu, performed her original composition, "Stronger".
Parents and guests then followed the graduates to the Front Walk for the presentation of their plaque.
Commencement of the Senior Class and the graduating Junior High students was presented in the Forum. The Silver and Gold Honors were put forward. Afterward, the families enjoyed a lunch in the garden by the Veronda House.
Michael Battles reads a poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken" at the Baccalaureate. |
Commencement held in the Forum. |
Kirsten Pedersen. |
2012 Southwestern Academy Graduates! |